I am an assistant professor at the Department of Software Convergence, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea, where I lead the Visual Science Lab. Before joining Kyung Hee University, I was a research intern at Naver Cloud (CLOVA). I received my M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Image and Video Pattern Recognition Lab., School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Korea, in 2023, and my B.S. degree from the School of Electronic Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea, in 2018. My research interests include computer vision, computational photography, machine learning, and deep learning, with a particular focus on visual (image/video) representation learning across diverse models, datasets, and supervisions. My work spans image and video processing, as well as their application and analysis through pattern recognition. Recently, my research topics have centered on video anomaly detection, face recognition, and 3D scene reconstruction.
M.S./ Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2023
Yonsei University
B.S. in Electronic Engineering, 2018
KyungHee University
I am always looking for talented and motivated collaborators (graduate students, postdocs, and undergraduate interns). If you’re interested in joining our lab or collaborating, please email me.